Ask our Large Concrete Blocks NASHVILLE, TN professionals at Concrete Block Supply about the many different styles that we have available for your project. For instance, we have a concrete block style that is called our Lego blocks and it is available in different dimensions. We have a full-size block available for you that is going to be 5 feet and length by 2 1/2 feet in height by two and a half foot length. it is going to weigh in at 4,700 lb.

Because our Large Concrete Blocks NASHVILLE, TN Lego blocks are going to be able to interlock with other blocks, we know that you are going to appreciate this style as well as other styles that you can find at Concrete Block Supply. With these Lego Styles understand that just like the toy they are going to have two Lego cylinders on the top as well as two holes on the bottom. This is going to be how we are able to interlock these blocks, so find out more information today.

with the majority of our Large Concrete Blocks NASHVILLE, TN blocks at Concrete Block Supply understand that there is going to be a rebar handle Loop that is on the top so you’ll be able to pick up the block with the equipment that you have. That is what you were going to experience with our Lego blocks as well. We also have different dimensions that can be found in two and a half feet height by two and a half feet and length by 2 1/2 F coming in at 2,350 lb. Understand that we are able to put nine full-size blocks on a flatbed for delivery.

If you would like to see the specific look of our Lego blocks that you can receive from Concrete Block Supply, then go online to our website today. This is going to show you real-time photos that we have available as well as the schematics and dimensions that you were looking for. you will see that there is a plane facade that is going to be found with the majority of our blocks available, but understand if that was different locations there are different options that are available to you.

No matter what facade you were looking at when it comes to your specific concrete block, be sure to reach out to our Representatives at the number 833-763-1711 so we can be able to tell you about the different options that you have in your location. We know that you are going to love everything about Concrete Block Supply, but if you would like a little bit more confidence in going forward with our services, then check out our website today at This website is going to show you the different variations we have in sizes and facades.

Large Concrete Blocks NASHVILLE, TN | Many Block Styles Available

find out the different Large Concrete Blocks NASHVILLE, TN facades that you can receive for your concrete blocks whenever you go to Concrete Block Supply. We have variations of slate, random rock, River rock, and also brick. If you would like to see what is going to be available near your location, then be sure to reach out to our representatives and we will be able to tell you this as well as give you a quote to see if you understand exactly what you were looking at when it comes to you coming to our company. we would love for you to reach out to a sales representative today.

to find out what is going to be available near your Large Concrete Blocks NASHVILLE, TN area, then reach out to the representatives of Concrete Block Supply. We would also like for you to go online to our website today so you can see the different photographs that we have available showing you the different facades we have as well as the different styles of concrete blocks. You will also be able to see how we have been able to work with them on different projects so you can be able to get inspiration or confidence in knowing that our products are going to be beneficial for you.

For example, many people use our Large Concrete Blocks NASHVILLE, TN products at Concrete Block Supply whenever it comes to building retaining walls. We have plenty of information on how to build a retaining wall for yourself as well as what type of concrete block style is going to be beneficial to you on our website. you will see that this is a very popular use of our concrete blocks but do not think it is going to be the only use that you could have. There are many different ways to use our precast concrete to wall blocks, so be sure to find out how you can use them. You will be very happy that you chose us for your concrete ventures here.

However, when it comes to Concrete Block Supply and our concrete retaining wall blocks, understand this is going to be a cost-effective way to build a retaining wall. we have different types of blocks that are going to be in different dimensions such as our 6 ft length by 2 foot and width by 2 ft in height block that weighs 3,500 lb or you can have the accessibility for a 5 ft length by two and a half foot And height that is going to weigh at 4,700 lb.

make quick work of building your retaining wall and reach out to the best company out there. that is going to be Concrete Block Supply and we are available at the number 833-763-1711, so what are you waiting for? If you are looking to see how you can make quick work of products for your project, then go online to our website at On this website, you will see the different styles and variations we have of blocks and how we have plenty of information when it comes to different projects that are going to be beneficial to you and your interests.